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For almost four decades, Taiwan has been a critical production base for the global information and communications industry. It strives to meet the world’s ever-changing demands for semiconductors, LCD panels, consumer electronics, computers and peripheral equipment, as well as communications equipment. Throughout the development of emerging technologies and applications like remote business opportunities, 5G, AIoT, and high performance computing, Taiwan has always stood on the forefront to integrate industry supply chains while promoting global digital revolutions.
The Taiwan government has created an ideal environment for semiconductor development by building a rarely seen one-stop industry chain spanning IC design, manufacturing, assembly and testing. Since 2017, the total output value of Taiwan’s semiconductor industry has increased every year. As one of a handful of countries with such outstanding performances worldwide, Taiwan is a globally recognized player with an indispensable role in international communities.
Taiwan is recognized worldwide for its excellence in providing internationally reputable medical technologies and healthcare systems over the years. Its efficient healthcare system works in concert with health insurance database applications, information technology advancements, and supportive government policies to pave the way for prosperous development of the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries in Taiwan.
As Internet communications become an essential part of finance, production, management, and governance in recent years, both the industry and government have come to sense an immediate need for information security enhancement. As a central hub for semiconductors and information communications, Taiwan has a niche for the information security industry to flourish. The government, enterprises, and academia alike have all prioritized information security technology development and business solutions as their top strategies.
Green energy is not only the future trend, but also a great business opportunity in the future. In order to speed up the development of the green energy industry, Taiwan has built its domestic energy market by leveraging its niche in the development of green energy, with hopes of driving development and innovation in related industries across Taiwan and enhancing industry competitiveness while bolstering energy security, creating a green economy, and promoting environmental sustainability.The Taiwanese government has brought in large-scale domestic and foreign investments and increased employment based on green demand at home, spurring the development of green energy technology and industry in Taiwan. With energy saving, energy creation, energy storage, and system integration as development strategies, the Taiwanese government has also rolled out a series of specific practices, such as building green energy infrastructure, fostering the development of renewable energy, and establishing collaboration with international manufacturers, aimed at achieving various goals on the power generation, electricity consumption, system, industrial, and environmental front.
Taiwan has enormous potential in the food and agriculture industry considering its traditional farming history and advanced development in biology as well as information and communications technology. In addition to vigorous government support, the industry is also favored by venture capital in Taiwan and abroad. With well-built infrastructure and mature construction technology, Taiwan’s construction and civil industries still continue to strive for better merits and technologies.
Taiwan’s manufacturing industry, an important foundation for the country’s economic development, is ranked among the best in the world across various industrial categories. Taiwan’s powerful momentum comes from closely connected supply chains, ambitious industry-academic research, as well as long-term policy support and funding from the government. Benefiting from these measures, the aerospace and precision machinery industries produce high-quality products at an increasingly larger scale and competitive market prices.